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ZQAI: Creative AI for Sensors
Machine Learning for IoT Sensor data analysis and data compression

Sensor Data Compression
When your company suffers from data explosion contact us!
We are developing deep learning methods to store the data in an efficient manner.
Sensor Data Analysis
When your company needs feature extraction contact us!
We are developing machine learning and deep learning methods for determining interpretable features from data.
Online Learning
When your company needs data science education contact us!
We can offer data science courses specialized according to your needs.
Why Us
How we do it
Gain Advantage from your Sensors
Innovative strategies
We will develop innovative sensor data analysis methods

Results-Oriented Solutions
Strategic insights
You can interpret your sensor data and make predictions.
From Art to Science
Novel methods
We have proprietary deep learning methods and we can tailor them to your needs

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ZQAI: AI Company
About Us
Who we are
Yasemin Cetin, Ph.D., Founder and Managing Director. Her speciality includes classical Machine Learning (ML) & Deep Learning (DL), Computer Vision, Applied Signal Processing, Data Science and Applied Statistics, and Online Education. She teaches probability and data science courses at University of Illinois Chicago. Yasemin Yardimci Cetin received her Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from Vanderbilt University.
Ulku Oktem, Ph.D., CEO, Near-Miss Management, (; Adjunct Professor, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
Prof. Didem Ozevin, University of Illinois, Chicago; MEMS Design and critical structural monitoring using smart sensors.
Prof. Ahmet Enis Cetin, University of Illinois Chicago and Member, Discovery Partners Institute, Chicago, Illinois; Applied Machine learning, Computer Vision, Data Science and Data Compression.
Some of
Our clients
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